091523 Cosmogelica Patch (Final Demo Version)

Howdy! Today I'm coming at you with a patch build of Cosmogelica. A lot of what I've been doing with the game this past week has been related to preparing for (and eventually revealing)  its presence on Steam. Yea, if you didn't know, Cosmogelica has a Steam page now, so please go wishlist it! Early access is limited to itch for now, but if you buy the early access version, you will get a Steam key. It wont let you play the game now, but it will put it in your library so, when the game releases, it'll be ready for you. I'll be reaching out to Patrons that are entitled to Demo Beta keys soon, so if you're a Patron at the $5 tier or above, please keep an eye out for that!

As mentioned before, most of the changes in this build were specific to the Steam version to get Steamworks integration in, so they don't particularly apply to itch  (and also aren't detailed in the patch notes.)

End of the Demo

This build also marks the end of the demo version of Cosmogelica! I'm not taking it away yet, but I have added a message in there letting people know that it doesn't represent the current version of the game, and to check out the Early Access version if they like. I had planned on keeping the demo updated for a while, but I realized that this would increase the work on me significantly, since I'd be maintaining even more versions of the game. So, yea, any new content that's added will be exclusive to the Early Access version + Steam version (for Patrons.) The main reason for this is because, when adding new things, there's always a chance to break a lot of stuff. Whenever I'm prepping for demos, I keep it to small changes so I don't break anything. However, I can't really add new things to the game when I'm doing this. By moving on from the demo, I can move forward and start adding the rest of the game (it's what y'all are paying for!)

I should note that, if you find any weird behavior or bugs in this upload, please let me know immediately. The next week or so I'll be focusing on commissions, and then I'll go back to working on the game. At that point, I won't be able to update the demo version anymore. So, let me know!!

Patch Notes

They're light this time!

===== NEW =====

  • Added a depreciation notice for the itch demo version.
  • Added a URL in game to the new Steam page.
  • (Steam) Added Steamworks integration. There are no achievements or anything right now, but cloud saving should work.

===== CHANGED =====

  • Changed the Early Access menu item to specify that it's limited to itch.io.

===== BUG FIXES =====

  • Fixed a bug with supporter groupings being completely wrong.
  • Potential fixes with various small bugs relating to the version of Gamemaker the previous demo was built with. I'm not sure if the mentioned Gamemaker changes also affected the demo, but better safe than sorry.

===== KNOWN BUGS =====

  • There's a bug with async sprite loading in Gamemaker currently where it cuts off the rightmost and bottommost pixels of sprites loaded asynchronously, which affects custom borders. This will have to be fixed by Gamemaker.

Thank you!

Thank you once again to everyone who has been purchasing the early access version of the game, as well as adding it to their wishlist on Steam. You guys are really helping me out and filling me with the energy I need to finish this thing!

For those of you who are newer here, I  want to make it clear: I don't usually do so many updates, unless I'm about to put  a demo. So, please don't expect a new update for a while (maybe a month or so.) At that time though, I'll have plenty of new things to show you and for you to mess with. So, please keep an eye out for that!

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