Blobun Puzzle Tracker

🦊Hello! Just a quick update post now that SAGE is over. Blobun was very well received and we saw quite a few people playing it! People really enjoyed it and are excited to see more, so I'm posting this to let you know we made a new Blobun Puzzle Tracker.

We had a couple attempts at this using Google Sheets, but it was difficult to remember to keep it up to date. This, however, just reads the level data right out of the Gamemaker project file and puts it on this page. So, you can keep track of how the game's going and what stages are in it so far right here! The data updates once a day.

We also got some people into the Early Access, and we appreciate that, especially since we didn't have any extra content for you for getting it. We didn't want to make *too* many puzzles in case we had to make some changes or something after putting it at SAGE, but it seems like we're doing just fine, so now we can go ahead and start making more puzzles (we've already made a few.)

As you can see from the puzzle tracker, we've already started work on worlds 3, 4, and 5. The demo had a structure of "12 stages plus 4 secret stages" which we're not gonna keep here, because we don't want to have to make bogus puzzles to fill out the puzzle roster, and we also don't want to have to throw out puzzles to keep the count right. So! It's gonna be harder to say when a world is done, but I think we're gonna aim for at least 12 puzzles each world. It'll have roughly 12-16, maybe more, maybe less, but yea. It'll be a little while before we can get these new puzzles to you, since we also have to catch up on commissions and stuff but, we appreciate your patience.

Thank you everyone who checked out Blobun!

PS: Been seeing people wondering what's the proper way to say Blobun, and the answer is "it's however you feel like saying it"

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