110424 Blobun Build
Blobun » Devlog
🦊Howdy! Coming at you today with a new build of Blobun. This build mainly focuses on improving graphics, as well as the general user experience. There's only a handful of new puzzles, but there's plenty of polish to go around! We also went back and redid several puzzles so they dont suck now.
As always, here are the patch notes:
===== IMPORTANT =====
- We've changed the layout of some puzzles to make them less confusing while still making them tricky to solve. The amount of tiles and time taken to beat them is still the same. You can still go through and check out the puzzles if you like, but it's not necessary.
- The puzzle layouts we changed are: Tight Corridors, Three of Keys, Junction Island, Bizarre Island, Coin Locks 3, Floor Portals 3, Coin Locks 6, W3 Stage 7, W3 Stage 8, W3 Stage 10, W3 Stage 12, W3 Stage 13, W3 Special 2, Lost Hearts, Frozen Crossroads.
- We've removed the bonus 4th star you could get when you completed a stage in the absolute minimum time. We did this because it caused a lot of coding considerations and issues.
- More important than that though, it was pretty easy to get the 4th star on the first few stages. However, it's near impossible to get it on the later stages, and we don't want to push the player down a dark path where they're doing each stage over and over trying to get that elusive 4th star, especially when some of them are next to impossible to get.
- There is, of course, still an absolute minimum time you can solve all the puzzles in. However, let speedrunners/TAS figure that one out.
===== NEW =====
- Added a new introductory transition to puzzles when you start them (This animation wont play when you're retrying the puzzle.)
- There is now a world select screen. You can see your progress in each world on this screen.
- There's also a worldpak select screen, but since pretty much all of you will have only the worldpak for the base game, you wont see this.
- Bun will now look downtrodden when you keep retrying a puzzle.
- New input prompts have been added during gameplay to remind you how to sprint or that you can undo your move.
- There's also additional input prompts scattered throughout the game.
===== IMPROVED =====
- Bun now has a proper animation for turning, as well as a little animation for when you press the "sprint" button.
- Bun now has a proper animation for when she loses.
- Refactored bun's drawing routine some to get rid of weird alpha clipping and depth issues.
- Lava now has additional visual effects.
- Grabbing a switch key now has an animation associated with it.
- The stage select screen has been improved by quite a bit, with new animations as well as much better colors.
- There are now arrows on the options screen to indicate there's more options offscreen.
- Updated the puzzle floating keys to have a better outline to make them more visible against different puzzle backgrounds.
- The victory animation has been adjusted considerably and now is different depending on if you got all the stars or not, as well as if you did it on a special stage or not.
- Optimized generation time for the puzzle wall and floor graphics.
- Greatly optimized time spent restoring the playfield state to how it was before when you use undo.
- The game now supports language translation strings. This shouldn't affect you guys, but if you see anything weird, let us know!
===== CHANGED =====
- Did a refactor on the player controller object. Things may not work exactly as they did before, but this was to fix a lot of bugs and also to make the player move by the rules of the rest of the game (a lot of the code was still from the initial prototype)
- Updated the worldpak file version with the introduction of new puzzle elements (this wont affect you unless you're trying to play the puzzles from this version in an older version, which, why are you doing that?)
- Updating some existing puzzle element graphics.
- Removed some unused textures and surfaces from earlier versions of the game.
- The star bar animation and stats at the bottom have been changed. Now, it'll fill up to show how many stars you need before you can move to the next world, then how many stars you need to complete the world, and finally, how many stars you need to do the special stages.
- The game will no longer show special stages unless you've unlocked them.
- Adjusted the "Under Development" message that appears at the loading screen.
- The rainbow text for showing when the next world has been unlocked has been removed, as it's not necessary now due to the new world select screen.
- World 3 "Special 1" was removed from the game (This was the one with a bunch of floor zappers/pistons in it.)
- The game will no longer tell you what time you have in the world unless you have the "Fast Clear" star for all the stages in that world.
- The new World Select screen also follows this rule, and also wont show you how many total stars are in the game unless you've unlocked all the worlds.
- We've temporarily made it so that the pipeworks music plays on the world/stage select, as well as in stages that don't have a theme yet. We'll be making proper songs for this later, but this will make it so you're not solving puzzles in silence.
- The stage music stops playing at the end of each puzzle now. This, as well as the introduction to new puzzles, is to help break up the puzzles so they don't just feel like an endless slog.
- Updated target times on various stages. Some were too low, while others were too high.
- This was a result of a bug with our time calculators, and also the fact that the game could store dev times from earlier revisions of puzzles that were no longer valid. We've fixed both issues, as well as added a bunch of checks and whatnot to make sure we don't accidentally put bad times in the future.
- The animation for blocks that are toggled by floating keys has been improved.
- Animated puzzle elements now all animate even when the game is paused.
- Adjusted some colors and animations for the puzzle UI overlay.
===== BUG FIXES =====
- Fixed a bug where bun could sometimes get stuck against a wall if a conveyer belt/ice slid you into it.
- Fixed a bug where, while sliding on ice, you could hold in a direction and bun would face that direction for like 1 frame before facing the direction she's going again.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes "undo" would undo two moves instead of one.
- Fixed a bug where floor zappers would sometimes desync with player movement, causing them to have inconsistent states depending on how many moves you've made.
- Fixed a bug where, for stages that hadn't been unlocked yet, it would show ??? but it'd also still have it in a fun rainbow color.
- Fixed a bug where moving too quickly after restarting a puzzle would crash the game.
- Fixed a bug where cooling a lava tile off and then stepping back over that same tile after turning back into the regular state would destroy bun.
- Tri-lock blocks will no longer appear above bun's slime trail.
- You can no longer claim victory for filling out the entire puzzle if your last move causes bun to be destroyed. She must make it safely out of the puzzle.
- Stepping on an ice tile in the fire state now correctly melts the ice.
- An "infinite conveyer belt ride" situation now results in a game over when it comes up.
- You can no longer move back through floor portals if you've already used them.
- "Undo" will no longer put you on the floor portal you came from (where you could continue moving from there, which was wrong.) Instead, you'll be returned to the tile you were on before you stepped into the portal.
- Puzzle blocks will no longer play part of their animations when you undo before the animation completes.
- Fixed a bug where bun's slime trail wouldn't update in half steps like it was supposed to.
Thank you everyone for supporting us on this game dev journey. Please try out this new build and let us know what you think! A lot of stuff that's getting into the game now is just, "this is how it's gonna look when the game comes out," so it's very exciting!
Blobun (Early Access) (Windows) 30 MB
Version 2 Nov 04, 2024
Blobun (Early Access) (Linux) 33 MB
Version 2 Nov 04, 2024
Get Blobun
You are a blob bunny. Your goal? Touch every tile!
Status | In development |
Author | Jess |
Genre | Puzzle |
Tags | 2D, Casual, Cozy, Cute, Female Protagonist, Furry, LGBT, Singleplayer, Slime, Top-Down |
Languages | English |
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