011325 Blobun Build

🦊Howdy! Coming at you today with a new build of Blobun. This build has a heavy focus on tightening up the player experience and introducing quality of life fixes and changes. The highlights of this build are that pretty much all of the menus have been overhauled, new options have been added, you can now use different save slots, and the game can (mostly) be controlled with the mouse now! Controller vibration has also been added, and we've just generally made improvements as we focus towards making a new demo.

I should note, this build has no new puzzles. However, you should still download it anyways  if you've still got puzzles to beat, or if you want to test out the new mouse controls.

As always, here are the patch notes:

===== NEW =====

  • Blobun can now (mostly) be controlled with only the mouse! We're sure there's aspects of this we missed, and there's definitely bugs to work out, but the majority of mouse control works.
  • This version of the game now tracks achievements, though for now you can only see them on the Title screen under "Extras." This is to prep for the eventual Steam release of the game.
  • Players who have already been playing will have their save file checked and achievements granted that they're owed.
  • The game now has dev times that you can aim for. You can't see what they are, but if you get one, your Speedrun Medal will have a slight green tinge. They're just for fun and you don't have to get them!
  • The game now supports different save slots! You can change what save slot you're using from the World Select menu.
  • The Worldpak Select menu has been removed, and in its place, you can now select what Worldpak you're playing from the World Select menu. (It's likely you've not seen this screen anyways, so don't worry about it too much.)
  • Controller vibration has been implemented. There's an option to turn it off if you don't like it.
  • When using a gamepad, the game will now automatically try to determine which glyphs to use. It's not perfect, though!
  • A new "Continue" option has been added to the menu, which allows you to pick up where you left off.
  • [Editor] You can now set dev times for a puzzle, with the option to use whatever time you currently have on your own save file. Please don't lie.
  • [Editor] The themes "cityscape" and "marmalade" are now available, though they're not completely implemented yet. These will correspond to the City stages, as well as the Autumn stages.

===== IMPROVED =====

  • The options menu has been overhauled completely, bringing organization and grouping more in line with Shield Cat/Cosmogelica, rather than having it all on one big menu.
  • Brought back a stage introduction transition, but it's different from what it was now (and not as flashy.)
  • Different areas and puzzles now have a lot stronger theming, especially in the pause menu and in transitions between screens.
  • Made various improvements to the UI/UX.
  • The meters on the laser will now smoothly animate when the laser state changes.
  • Spike Enemies now have a different animation that should hopefully make it clearer that you can pass underneath them without taking damage, so long as you don't both end up in the same tile at the same time.
  • Pressing to sprint now makes all nearby slime jiggle (and yes, being able to mash it to make all the slime extra jiggly is intentional.)
  • Made various efficiency improvements across the game.
  • More places and stages now have proper names instead of placeholder names.
  • Improved rendering performance of the menus.
  • The title screen menus have been reorganized to be cleaner.
  • Added an error handler that'll show a nicer screen when handling stuff like file parsing and whatnot. Hopefully you never see it!
  • Because of Gamemaker limitations, we can't use this screen for ##### ERROR ##### popups.
  • Holding a direction on the menu will no longer cause it to infinitely scroll. Instead, it'll stop at one end and you'll have to release the button and press it again to wrap around the menu.
  • The game will now highlight the first menu item in a menu that's not a "Back" button.
  • This means that, on the pause menu for puzzles, the game will now highlight "Retry Puzzle" by default instead of "Resume." This may mess with some people's muscle memory, but it should be more convenient overall to access it.

===== CHANGED =====

  • Refactored the music system. There shouldn't be any change, but if you have any issues with the music, let us know!
  • The game will now (intentionally) crash if it tries to load a save file from a future version of Blobun. (The save file format is pretty modular, but we've added this anyways as a precaution, and also because it should have been there anyways.)
  • Hint arrows are now drawn directly on the floor, instead of above everything else.
  • Spike enemies can no longer get stuck in blocks if the blocks get toggled. Instead, they'll move above the blocks and continue moving forward until they're clear. (After this, they wont be able to pass solid blocks again until they're toggled.)
  • [Editor] The game now properly recognizes stages that are "unfinished" ie. they have no recorded solution, and won't show them in the Stage Select (unless they're in the Usermade folder.) For Usermade puzzles, the stage will show up, but it'll be almost completely transparent.
  • [Editor] Stage/world/pak names are now passed through the language string translator. There's currently no way to allow for custom translations of user-made worldpaks, but maybe one day if the game does well we can add it. For now, this feature is just for us.

===== BUG FIXES =====

  • Fixed a save file compatibility bug where, if your save file was old enough, it wouldn't be able to be read by the current version of the game. (This could cause the game to softlock or otherwise be unplayable.)
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the heat/particle trail history wasn't properly cleared (mainly when resizing the stage in the editor.)
  • Fixed a bug where swapping worlds from the Stage Select menu could be canceled with the gamepad shoulder/G/H keys, but not with directional keys.
  • Fixed a bug where anything which cleared bun's slime trail (pits cracking, slime traps, losing, etc) wouldn't also clear tile effects in that spot.
  • Fixed a bug where the total world time wouldn't show on the World Select screen.
  • Fixed various issues with screen transitions between menus/puzzles.
  • Fixed a bug where holding the keys for restarting/skipping a puzzle would cause the menu background to appear temporarily while it was doing the exit animation.
  • Fixed a bug where dark rooms wouldn't light up all the way to show the entire puzzle once you had beaten them.
  • Fixed an animation bug with Spike enemies when they were stuck on a single tile.
  • [Editor] Shift+Escape will now open the editor on any screen in the game. (This technically wasn't a bug, some screens used to have editors. However, they no longer have them, so having the shortcut not respond here could be considered a bug.)
  • [Editor] When resizing the stage, camera lock zones will now stay put where you've placed them.
  • [Editor] Setting the stage theme and then putting it back to "Unspecified" will no longer crash the game.

===== KNOWN BUGS =====

  • Once in a while, undoing the very first step of the puzzle doesn't affect some puzzle elements, but we're not able to reliably reproduce it. If you figure out a way, let us know, as this causes the puzzle to be desynced!
  • There's some known quirks with the mouse controls, especially with menus (scrolling on long menus ie. world select or achievements is buggy) but it's mostly not a problem. This is the first build with mouse controls, so we figure a ton of other bugs will be found, so we can just fix them all at once.


Blobun (Linux) 41 MB
Version 10 52 days ago
Blobun (Windows) 38 MB
Version 10 52 days ago

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