011725 Blobun Patch + Demo Testing

🦊Howdy! Coming at you today with a patch to Blobun. This mainly focuses on fixing bugs related to the new mouse controls, but also makes several other improvements. It also brings all versions of the game in alignment (as they were out of sync for a bit as we set up new methods for downloading.)

Demo Beta Testing

We've opened up limited demo beta testing in our Discord chat!  We're keeping it in there for now because it's not ready for everyone to check out yet. If you wanna participate, feel free to jump into the chat, and then after you're in, go to "Channels and Roles" to get the "Blobun Demo Beta" role. You'll be able to see the "Blobun Demo Beta" channel. Once you can see it, feel free to message "Alright, I'm here. How do I get into the Demo Beta?" and we'll respond to you.

Steam Beta Testing

We're also now doing beta testing on the Steam build of the game. This is also, for now, only through our Discord Chat. For this one, you must have purchased the game on itch.io!  From within the game, on the title screen, go to "Extras->Get Early Access Role." This will take you to our page that'll validate that you own the game, and then will grant you the role. Once you see the channel, feel free to message in it "Ok I'm in the channel and have the Early Access role, what do I do?" and we'll respond to you.

Sorry the above methods are janky, we don't really have a better way to do this right now haha

Anyways! As always, here are the patch notes:

===== NEW =====

  • Mt. Bophades (and any snow-themed puzzle in general) now has proper music.

===== IMPROVED =====

  • Drawing a path with the mouse and then clicking somewhere else will add to the current path, rather than erasing it. In this way, you can plot out a long path in advance for her to follow.
  • You can now draw a path through floor portals.
  • There's now a full, proper credits screen. Everyone who was a patron since November 8th 2018 should be on there. If your name is wrong on there, or you're not in there, please reach out as soon as possible!
  • If you've got a dev time on a stage, you can now see this in the Stage Select menu (the clock will be a little different.)
  • If you got dev times in all stages in a world, you'll also be able to see this on the Stage Select menu (the icon by the World Time will be different.)
  • The Dev Times medal also will show on the World Select screen in each world that you've gotten all the dev times in.
  • Many aspects of the UI have been improved more.
  • Improved the animation when destroying puzzle elements with lasers.
  • Improved (and fixed bugs with) animation when entering and traveling along an Electric Wire.

===== CHANGED =====

  • Because there's a proper credits screen, the "Supporters" screen in the intro has been removed.
  • When drawing a path, if you undo while holding down the left mouse button, you'll need to release it before drawing a new path.
  • The "Instructions" popup when starting a new game has been removed.
  • When you get all speedrun medals in an area, the time has been moved to a different spot on the stage select screen.
  • On gamepads, the trigger buttons will no longer control the menu (they still will make Stephanie go fast or undo a move though.)

===== BUG FIXES =====

  • Fixed a bug where moving the mouse around randomly on the stage select screen could cause the game to crash.
  • Fixed a bug where you could draw a path (and Stephanie would move along it) when gameplay controls were supposed to be locked (ie, a popup message was on screen.)
  • Fixed a bug where, if you had the music down all the way and then turned it back up, there would still be no music until you went to a different screen.
  • Note: This fix should also fix a bug where, if you're playing on Steam Deck and put the system into sleep mode and then wake it back up, you have no music.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking a destination that would have Stephanie go onto a conveyer belt or sliding ice floor would make it so you couldn't draw any more paths.
  • Fixed a bug where, when drawing a path, the path was highly likely to be reset when sliding around on ice tiles (primarily when hitting walls.)
  • Fixed a bug where the popup for unlocking a new world would have an un-translated language string in it.
  • Fixed a bug where getting a dev time wouldn't immediately show upon completing a stage.
  • Fixed a bug where, if you beat a stage but didn't get a good time, the wrong colors were used for the stage background.
  • Fixed a bug where the buttons for restarting/skipping a stage could still be clicked on the pause screen even if a submenu was open.
  • Fixed a bug where Stephanie would make a moving sound on ice under specific conditions.
  • Fixed a bug where you could undo and end up on an Electric Wire base, allowing you to perform illegal moves.
  • [Editor] Fixed where clicking "Use Suggested Time" when setting a target time would crash the game.

===== KNOWN BUGS =====

  • Once in a while, undoing the very first step of the puzzle doesn't affect some puzzle elements, but we're not able to reliably reproduce it. If you figure out a way, let us know, as this causes the puzzle to be desynced!
  • There's still some quirks with the menus and whatnot when it comes to mouse controls. There's some we know about (like how scrolling is broken on long menus,) but feel free to reach out anyways!


Blobun (Early Access) (Windows) 30 MB
Version 11 44 days ago
Blobun (Early Access) (Linux) 33 MB
Version 11 44 days ago

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